Letter from the LDS Church to a member who wished to have name removed from Mormon records
With remarks added by the former member (italicized text)
Posted by Kris R on January 28, 1999 at 01:47:47: (from www.exmormon.com)
Well, some of you may know that I went through the process of trying to get my name
removed from the records five years ago, and it never went through. I tried again this last
week, and I got a letter today! I thought I would share it with you all. You might get a few
laughs. My own thoughts are in italics.
Dear Kris,
It was nice to hear from you again and to know that you are well and happy. I occasionally
ask your mother about how you are doing and she reports the same. But I must admit that
I was saddened by your letter. I had hoped and prayed that through the passage of time
and additional experience you would come to understand that a decision to have your name
removed from the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was not
something you wished to do. My sole reluctance in acting on your request previously was
the concern that you did not fully understand the eternal covenants and blessings you
would be giving up if we did as you requested.
I made this request at the ripe old age of 18. According to the Morg, eight year olds are old
enough to make right and wrong decisions, but apparently those who are eighteen are not?
I appreciate the discussion you included in your letter. Unfortunately, it appears that you
have been misinformed on a number of factual issues and doctrines of the Church. I would
be happy to respond to each factual matter if you wish, but for purposes of this letter I will
only say that any suggestion that Joseph Smith shot or killed anyone during his martyrdom
or at any other time is completely false.
Am I the only one that's heard of J.S. shooting people during the mob thing?
Certainly, the Church can stand and willingly accepts much scrutiny; in fact, I doubt that
there has been any church more scrutinized throughout it's existence than this one.
Practices and procedures do change over time and circumstances, as they do in all religions
and organizations, but the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ remain as
constant, steadfast, and unchanging today was when taught by Jesus Christ himself or any
of His prophets throughout the history of the world.
Have they let GBH in on this one?
I know that the fullness of the gospel is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, and is administered for the blessing of the children of God throughout the earth by
the priesthood of God and under the direction of a prophet of God. Time and experience
only confirms this more fully to me each day.
'Cause you repeat it over and over in your mind and in testimony meetings each day.
I too know that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world, and my brother. He has paid
the price for all sins but true repentance also requires more than just confession and forsaking.
I give up. What else does it require? Slitting your own throat?
Although I agree that Christ has done for us what we could never do for ourselves, the
message that effort in keeping the commandments is a nice byproduct of faith rather than a
requirement of salvation is a doctrine of convenience rather than reality. A gospel which
does not require the best effort of mankind will never have the power of salvation; it is just
too easy to believe and do nothing.
Currently I serve as the stake president of the @@@@@@@. The current bishop of the
ward where your record is located is Bishop @@@@@@@@. He must process your
request and send you a written notice with a copy to me. I will hand deliver your letter to
him and recommend that he act on it as you have requested. These procedures must be
followed for the action you request be taken. Please be patient with the process.
Why not? I've already waited five years!!
The missionaries of the Church contact many people, both members of record and
non-members, each day. I would hope that your recent contact with them would not offend
you. They, as well as I, are only interested in your happiness.
The only thing that offended me was that they tracked me down after I had moved several
times and changed my last name when I got married. I was more offended that the Bishop
didn't take my first request seriously even after I had met with him because he said it was
necessary for the process.
I care very much about you and your family, including your husband. I believe that
marriage is the most important relationship we can enter into in this life or the next. I hope
you will be happy and at peace. Personally, and on behalf of the Church, I would say that
you are welcome to participate in Church activities. ....Thank you, I'll pass.... We would
welcome you back to the Church with open arms. I will pray for the Lord's blessings and
comfort to be with you always.
His last name is Dunn. I wonder if there's any relationship to Paul H. Dunn? I can give the
guy this much, at least he's nice and cares about me and my family(even my husband)
Thanks for listening! It's great to have support from people who have gone through the same things!
kris R
Page Modified January 29, 1999