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Wayne and Dianne Simister's
UTAH Information & Family Pages
Come visit! -- Information you probably won't find anywhere else
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Mormonism - The LDS Faith. Good decisions cannot be made with zero information. Here is the information you should have before joining the LDS, Mormon, religion:
- Is or is not Mormonism, the LDS, Mormon Religion a cult?
- Should you become a member? Here's the information you should know.
- Can you afford to be a Mormon? Tithing is commanded as 10% of your GROSS income for salvation. -- This tithing calculator will reveal part of your true costs of being an active Mormon.
- It's easy to become a Mormon .... not so easy to remove your name. Facts on resigning from the LDS, Mormon religion. An example letter of resignation is included.
- Latest news about the Mormon Church
- Polygamy set stage for both early LDS, Mormon, church presidents to be poisoned?
- "You are admonished to continue to pay a full tithe regardless of your circumstances. Please do not bring us your problems...."
- Just who IS a worthy Mormon? LDS Church bishops and stake presidents will ask these personal questions to determine if you are worthy and deserve a temple recommend.
- Troubles getting name removed - a personal story
- Utah News Director Confesses --
News Not Being Reported Truthfully -- Mormon Control and Influence Discourage Honest Media Reporting
- The LDS presidency just a cozy family business?
- Hierarchy speaks: We are Gods not humans.
- Mormonism sows seeds of destruction in this family
- LDS Church is Utah's largest employer.(December 22, 2002 Salt Lake Tribune article excerpts)
- The Hurt in a Mormon Temple Marriage. Would you really want one?
- Leaving a predominant Mormon town clears up depression - a personal story
- Mormon Missionary regrets his mission. "I regret not doing the right thing."
- The Mormons -- what the missionaries and ads do not tell you
- New Yorker Magazine article about Mormonism.
- So, who is "Joseph Smith," the founder of the LDS Mormon Church? (A man who knew him intimately is interviewed)
- Marry a Mormon? -- The polygamous intermarriage among early Mormon families explain why certain genetic diseases prevail in Utah.
- Two short personal stories tell of the complications and regrets in joining the Mormon, LDS Church.
- About LDS, Mormon mission "callings."
- The LDS Church often chooses to ignore the law about reporting child sex abuse
- LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley as the class prankster?
- Robert Kirby, Salt Lake City Tribune columnist gives insight into Mormonism's truths with his humorous writing style.
- Mormon Hymn -- "Oh, Please Go Away" A satiricle MP3 piece about joining Mormonism.
- Locations of graves in the Salt Lake City Cemetery for Mormon polygamists and other LDS, Mormon leaders -- two detailed maps.
About Utah:
Our Family Pages:
- Judy Lamb -- FREE knitting patterns home page. Daughter, Judy, reveals her choice, creative, imaginative, and innovative knitting designs for the young folk. Judy also writes young people's stories.
- Download these FREE short children's stories -- Grandpa's Stories in MP3 format
- FREE download of two programs that will (1) Let you play the game of Bingo, and (2) Make a Bingo Card layout to your computerscreen.
- Download a very handy savings calculator! OR use this on-line calculator
- The One Button Home. ... just the ticket for the new home. Contol any light in the home from any touch plate in the home.
- The Grandchildren Page
- James Simister, son, Senior Software Engineer, composer, photographer, and computer expert.
- Roger Simister, brother, home page (retired electronic engineer)
- Some great True Type fonts
- Create a MAGIC SQUARE. (Any column, row, or diagonal adds up to the same number!)
- Touch plate switches, burglar alarms, LED flashlight, Child's Traffic Light, and more - Wayne's Electronics
- Family fun vacations, pictures, music, sounds, favorite links, and more
- Dowload printable sunset, mountain, and other photographs taken in Utah.
- DO Save! Here's an on-line savings calculator
- Contemplations on Darwin -- a poem
E-Mail: wsimister@hotmail.com
ayne & Dianne Simister
Opened on November 18, 1997
Page Modified April 17, 2012