How much time will I have to spend on church work if I become a Mormon?
Mormonism can keep a member busy beyond all expectations. The more indoctrinated one becomes into the LDS faith, the more involved he will find himself with meetings, assignments, and other requests for his time.
The message below was found on on Dec. 20, 1999. It is written by a former Mormon who was caught in the spiral of never ending LDS activity. He is very glad he's now out.
How sweet it is not be attending all those damn meetings! A typical week went like this for me:
6:00 Bishopric Meeting 7:00 Priesthood Executive Meeting 8:00 Ward Correlation Meeting, 9:00 Sacrament Meeting 10:10 Sunday School 11:00 Priesthood Meeting 12:00 Bishop's Youth Council Meeting. Home for lunch. 4:00 Bishopric visiting members meetings 7:00 PM Youth Fireside or Stake Fireside or Stake Leadership Meeting.
Monday: sleep through family home evening
Tues: Young Men and Young Women 7-9 PM
Wed: Home teaching visits
Thursday: 6-10 PM temple work for the dead at the Temple
Friday: Date with wife, sleep through date and not with wife.
Sat: Youth Service Project or Boy Scout Troop overnighter
Sunday: can't wait to do it all over again.
And I wasn't even the Bishop! The poor sucker.
Now my schedule:
Sunday: Be with wife and kids
Monday: work and spend even with wife or kids or hobby.
Tues: work and go out with friends.
Wed: work and write letters to congress and other organizations regarding current issues.
Thurs: work and play with computer, see kids.
Fri: work and out with wifey pooh on the town.
Sat: work, ride horses, see kids, play with computer, watch a movie, pursue creative hobbies, etc.
Page Modified December 22, 1999